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Elizabeth Rieben’s Printmaking Studio

My partner in this endeavor is an 850-pound printing press.


Welcome to My Printmaking Studio!

My studio features an 850-pound antique etching press with 150 years of experience!
In my work, a joyful whimsy takes over and spills onto the ordinary.  My etchings, woodcuts and engravings are meant to distill what I see in the world around me - i.e. the things that bring us joy or new understanding; observations from nature that inspire awe and beloved family and friends, including our pets, that bring warmth and meaning to our lives.       
I love the physical process of printmaking -- filing, polishing, carving, inking, wiping, and finally printing, all while letting go, so the magic of too many variables can do its work.  It is a partnership of body and soul, mind and heart, the known and unknown, reality and imagining.