Kalaloch Dream

To see the final printing at the October 10, 2020 Big Ink event, follow this link



Initial Small Scale Drawing

It all starts with a sketch. To see the final print, look under the “Woodblocks-Relief” section of this website.


Darker small drawing of the Kalaloch Tree in Washington State, also known as the Tree of Life.



Drawing on the Large Woodblock

It was not easy to get the image onto the large 32 x 32 inch woodblock. I needed a fluid process, so I used pencil then went over changes with chalk. I had to reverse the image, as this tree does exist in nature and even though I was abstracting the image, I wanted to to have the correct orientation in the final print.


Making the first cut was the hardest part

It took two weeks before I could do it! It then took an additional three weeks to finish carving.

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