The Third Stage of Grief

Of course, we all know there are many complicated layers of grief. It is just so ridiculous to think one progresses through grief in any predictable order at all; it is as silly as this image!


It starts with a drawing


Carving the main (key) block

(Above) The green is where to carve, the black is what to leave; I am a messy carver by nature.


Color Blocks, some are carved on the back as well

(Above) I carved separate blocks for each color. Sometimes I mix colors on the page (i.e. blue and yellow overlap to make green), but on this example, I did not do that. But I did carve for two colors on the same block when the colors would not touch (as on the middle block, above); I show these - and the variations below - to say, hey! I am still experimenting, and this is a messy process. Like life itself!