Behind the Scenes: Night Swimming

(page two)


Carving in progress


To participate in Big Ink, artists must carve a woodblock of at least 24 x 36 inches, but many artists go larger. I chose the minimum size since I usually work a lot smaller (5 x 7-ish). I take it slowly. I have found if I carve for more than, say, 45 minutes at a time, I start to get messy. I am a messy carver by nature anyway, so I have to remember to slow down.


Lyell Castonguay prints while I watch.

The Big Event

Lyell Castonguay at Big Ink is a master at inking and printing large woodblocks! He and his partner Carand Burnet brought their giant press to Riverviews Artspace in Lynchburg, VA on Oct. 8-9, 2022, to print our blocks. Here, he prints while I watch. : - )



I decided to make this a night scene as I felt it would look much more dramatic. And I love night swimming and city lights!